Knowledge and preferences for treatment of end stage renal disease among elderly patients and their family caregivers



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Knowledge and preferences for treatment of end stage renal disease among elderly patients and their family caregivers

Understanding patient’s preferences regarding treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is important to guide treatment recommendations and policies. Currently, treatment choices for ESRD are likely to be distorted by a lack of knowledge among patients and their caregivers regarding outcomes and costs that result from a given choice. Therefore, this study proposes to assess patient and caregiver knowledge about outcomes and costs of dialysis and conservative treatment, and to quantify the extent to which select features and outcomes of dialysis influence the decision to choose it over conservative treatment, and the change in uptake that would result from a given change in one of the attribute levels (or better information on that attribute). The study involves focus groups with stated preference conjoint survey with elderly stage 4 and 5 chronic kidney disease patients.

Last updated on January 10, 2018